Friday, January 27, 2012


BloodBorn is a Companion Novel To Other by Karen Kincy. This story is about Brock Koeman He had always hated werewolves and Others like them . While tracking werewolves he and his brother Chris got bitten and infected with the very disease they despised. Chris is now in the hospital fighting for his life, while Brock is fighting a battle of his own. He soon discovers his powers and what it means to be a other . along with him and the girl he loves being kidnapped. This story is different from other but still has the same theme of fictional others where the world knows about beings people who are other then human. Dealing with there own kind of ways and of cores hatred for there kind, people not understanding or in fear of being bitten by vampire and werewolves. For a work of pure fiction it dose have some truthful elements for real life others and therians but of cores that is where any truth ends. But that is OK not all good stories have to be true to be good,. as i have learned over the years the truth is stranger then fiction and of cores this dose not come close to real life,. of cores physical shifting is nice but sadly real life is a tad limited on that. How ever that dose not take away from Ms Kincy's book , it has excitement danger love cussing but not to much just where it needs to be a great story to go along with the human/other drama to make it believable or at least want to believable others can really be all that. But of cores who is to say if we do not in a real life manner of cores others can not be more in to there gifts , just won't happen like in this book, but again it is fiction.
There seems to be a brief mention on the lead characters from the first book Other who in there own shifted forms spying on Brock or looking on them he seemed to figure they were not natural animals, Brock knew it or thought it . Brock was taking a drug to suppress the beast inside while perhaps learning to accept who and what he really is. This at it's base is a story of coming of age self acceptance and being who and what you really are, Which regardless of the themes i think we all can understand that . This book is a easy read for young adults and older folks alike any one i feel would get a kick out of it and really love where it goes.

I give it 2 thumbs up.
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