Saturday, February 4, 2012

Ageism in the workforce.

Ageism in the workforce has been around for some time, it seems most companies are not always hiring people who are over a certain age, being with age 40 and beyond from what i have heard from a class i am taking. which is pretty sad. because people with age i would presume they have experience they lived longer seen more done more and can offer a lot to a company with said age and experience . but it seems that dose not seem to matter ,why i do not know it sucks it really dose and it is not right, it really is not . How can some one judge some one on job performance base on age, that is really wrong if any thing some one older would be a gem in my view because they once again have lived has experience so why discriminate them because such a thing? That is not to say that some one younger or younger can not be a good employee particularly if they have strong goals in and and out side of the company can be a asset to any one. I do not know if it is only the us that dose this or other contraries i am not sure on this, how ever if i am right some countries refer there elders not shun them or discriminate on there age , i just wish this country would do that. instead of throwing what is old away and always having whats new. which i guess is like that in most areas of our lives be it products to laws or what have you, just because it is old dose not mean it is wrong, but just because it is old dose not mean it is right either, something can be said about some one so set in there ways so old in there ideas that they can ruin a lot for all of us IE in our government when it comes to people wanting to marry who they love,. But that is something else i will tackle later. Bottom line just because some one is a certain age young or old dose not mean they have noting to offer companies or people as a whole but then again if you young and act like you know every thing and close minded and negative which i experience recently,i also realize those people have a lot to learn as well, just like any one in any age,.

In other words we all have a lot to learn how ever just on age alone no company should be judging on that alone . In other words in the end we all can and must learn from each other and stop judging on age alone is where i am trying to get people to think on is all.

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