Monday, March 5, 2012


Chronicle is a movie about three teen boys who find something underground that made then or unlock them having Telekinesis.

one was a a cool kid the other a misfit a out cast who was picked on.and the other was cool but yet didn't care about much,They each handled there new found talents similar at first then they began to drift in different directions with them.They kept getting stronger bleeding after each one uses them to the max they were connected to each other. at the end Andrew the kid who was video tapeing every thing who was abused at home,miss treated at school. He was becoming stronger until things finally broke him, and he went postal.

Then by his cousin had to stop him, it was very heart breaking to say the least.

The story was well writing the special effects was really great, the story the human element was real gritty honest which made the story better. they were evolving to becoming better till after all the rest of there drama cached up to them and destroyed them,and there power .

On the end it was not so much there powers that destroyed them it was there issues, Andrew more then any one else really that ruined him.I highly recommended seeing this movie.

I give it 2 thumbs up.

Hope you go see it later days.

Director: Josh Trank - Cast: Michael B. Jordan, Dane DeHaan, Michael Kelly, Ashley Hinshaw, Anna Wood .

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